Android Multi Tools

Aug 10, 2024 - MyGSMTech Freeware

App NameAndroid Multi Tools
Latest Version1.02b
UpdateAug 10, 2024
Size(331.46 KB)
1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars (14 votes, average: 3.57)

Android Multi Tools is a freeware utility that supports about 1.3 billion active devices around the world. The program offers simple methods for unlocking the pattern, pin, password, face, gesture, and Gmail ID of accidentally locked devices. 


Android Multi Tools Features

The simple process of Android Multi Tools

The program required an operating system with installed Windows, network connectivity, and a USB drive. First of all download Android SDK and then Android Multi Tools. On completing the download, click on the “Start “button for installing the software. Run the program and start the process on mobile by tapping Setting>Developer Option> USB Debugging. Now press the Power and Volume down button on your mobile. The boot screen will be displayed on the mobile. 

Compatible with Windows

With various compatibility with all types of devices, the app has special compatibility with all types of Windows———-Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7, Windows Vista, and Windows XP are mainly operating systems to run the app very smoothly and reliably. In addition, it requires a 32-bit and 64-bit setup. 

Easy Access

The Android Multi Tools for android with a shareware license for the Windows 32-bit operating system of a laptop and PC, presented for all software users as a free trial for a specific period, free download with potential restrictions. It is belonging to the password category and was developed by

Multiple Tasks

The program performs multiple tasks such as;

  1. The check Device option is for checking the current status of the device whether it is connecting to the system or not.
  2. The reset Face /Pin lock option enables you to reset your password and pin lock.
  3. Reset the Face/Gesture Lock option to remove the pattern lock.
  4. The reset the Gmail option will reset the forgotten Gmail account. The wipe Data option is for removing all of your data if you want. 
  5. The reboot option will reboot your device within one click.
  6. Check Device in Fastboot Mode option is for checking your device in Fastboot mode.
  7. Exit Fastboot Mode option will exit the Fastboot mode.
  8. Go to Command Prompt option will give you access to the command prompt.
  9. The software Info option will give you thorough information about the device.
  10. Hardware Info is for knowing about hardware.

Main Features

  • The simple process of Android Multi Tools
  • Compatible with Windows
  • Easy Access
  • Multiple Tasks

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